Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Even the Rain (Tambien la Lluvia)

I chose the scene where Belen’s mom asks for help from Costa, and he argues with Sebastian, but decides to help Belen.  I feel this scene not only tells us a lot about what kind of a person Costa is, but Sebastian too.  All Sebastian cares about is finishing the movie, even if a child’s life is in danger.  In this scene, we see a different side of Costa.  The fact that he decides to betray Sebastian to help Belen shows he is a very caring person and is not self-absorbed.  It is also a key moment in his transformation throughout the movie.  But it is evident that he struggles with this decision.  He has to choose between his responsibility – the film crew – and his heart – saving the child.  This is also a major turning point in the story line of the movie.  Costa and Sebastian’s film will no longer happen anymore since Costa decided to leave.  Finishing their film is what they have been struggling to accomplish the entire movie, and now there is no hope for that anymore.
When Costa first sees Teresa, walks up to her, and starts talking the camera technique utilized is shot/reverse shot.  When Teresa is talking, the camera is on Costa, so we are able to see his reactions to what she is saying.  Then the camera cuts to a view of Sebastian and Anton waiting to leave in the van, emphasizing that Costa has to choose one or the other.  We then get an “establishing” shot of Costa and Teresa, with Sebastian running up to them in the background.  When Sebastian and Costa walk away to argue, the camera switches from one side of them, where you just see down the street, to the other side, where you see Teresa standing there waiting.  At this point in their conversation they are talking about her.  After they are done arguing, we get a long take of Costa talking to Teresa again.  When Teresa tells Costa he is her friend, the camera lingers on his back a little while longer and then cuts to show his face.  This way, we are able to see the change in his eyes when he makes the decision to go help Belen. 

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